//The Reason Love

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bosan di tenga hari AHAD :D
Saturday 6 August 2011 | 23:53 | 0 Sweet Potato Pie
holaa ~ afternoon :) perhhh . bosan giler dowk uma . online FACEBOOK pown bosan . . act last friday class haku kena tuka dowk kad tingkad atas . huhh , memang tak shuke giler ahh . tambah dalam bulan puase plak an ? penad nuck mampos --' next week da lea exam + trial PMR . . good luck foe the students that take PMR ( mengambil kesempatan ) HAHA . . awakk . . saia nuck ask sikit bole ? bole kea saia nuck tuka numbe phone baru ^_^ HAHA . saia nuck tuka sebab ramai orang shuke text + call saia (!) tolong lhaa ea . saiaa tak berminad nuck layan awakk . . btw shuke hati saia nuck rep text or nod .  KALAU ORANG TAK NUCK REDHA JE LHA . . HAHA . sape terase ambik semua ea (!) oke lea . ty kalu athe tyme saia post blog agy oke :) thank you